Our Projects
The $1.3 billion NSC will enclose the reactor and associated debris—as well as the sarcophagus surrounding it—providing a confined space within which unstable upper portions of the sarcophagus can be taken apart and the remaining highly radioactive material removed to a long-term storage repository. Inside the NSC, a camera-equipped crane system will hang from the arch’s ceiling on a web of cables. Operators in a shielded control room will manipulate hoists, a drill, a jackhammer, and hydraulic shears. These tools will enable them to peel back the sarcophagus roof and sort through its highly radioactive contents. The structure and the mechanical handling equipment that it supports are all designed to prevent radiological exposure when it becomes operational.

Power Plant
A consortium of Endaya ITIC Power Corporation . The site is an example of advanced photovoltaic technology, with solar panels mounted on floating platforms that adjust to changing water levels. This design not only maximizes land use efficiency but also benefits from the cooling effect of water, enhancing the panels’ performance. On top of this, the plant’s strategic location on the reservoir minimizes transmission losses and leverages existing infrastructure. To complete the build of power plants , two 758-megawatt combined-cycle power plants fueled by clean-burning natural gas. Endaya ITIC was responsible for project management, engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning of the twin Temple, plants in Cyprus and to be complete by 2025.

Clyde Refinery
Upgrading of the existing Clyde hydrodesulphurization unit to reduce Sulphur content in diesel from 50ppm to 10ppm. Estimated Project Value
$35,000,000. The upgraded HDS unit is expected to achieve similar production rates while producing diesel with only 10ppm of Sulphur content in compliance with the federal legislation with adequate light cycle oil processing capabilities. New equipment would be installed as part of the proposal. This new equipment would include: new additional reactor approximately 1.5 times the size of the existing reactor; catalyst fill; quench oil system/pump; flare header (if necessary); feed and product analyzers; new spare fresh gas compressor; new spare feed pump; and reactor cool down facilities.